Our Mission is to Glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
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Our Mission is to Glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Cornerstone Baptist Church, located in Wylie, Texas, has committed itself to building an intimate, mature, doctrinally sound church that glorifies God through Christ-centered worship, self-sacrificial service, warm fellowship, expository preaching, and compassionate evangelism. If you share our concern for these issues and have been looking for a church with these priorities, we encourage you to consider Cornerstone.
Our priority focuses on the glory of God through the proclamation of the gospel and the careful discipling of those who profess Christ as Lord and Savior. Not only do we seek to create a reverent and joyful worship experience, but our church provides a full graded Sunday School that makes a valuable contribution to the overall mission of Cornerstone. Furthermore, we seek to provide a strong support system for Christian families who presently face many difficulties that threaten marriages and parent/child relationships. We believe Christian families thrive in an environment where the church makes the preaching and teaching of the Bible our priority.
Cornerstone Baptist Church has its feet firmly planted in the history and heritage of those Southern Baptists who believe the old gospel truths commonly called the doctrines of grace. We use our hands to serve the present needs of persons who share a devotion to quality Christian living and to proclaim the gospel to those who do not know the grace of God. In addition, as a new and growing fellowship we have our eyes set on the future and desire to build a church that will stand the test of time, thus blessing our children and grandchildren after us.
A living, healthy church is first of all marked by what it believes. The members of Cornerstone Baptist Church have united in their affirmation of the historic teachings of Christianity: the infallibility of Scripture; the Trinity; the full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ; Christ’s death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection from death; the salvation of men and women by grace through faith in Christ; the promised Holy Spirit working through the church; the return of Christ at the end of the ages. In addition to these things we share with all Christians, we hold to the following convictions as well:
We are Reformed.
We believe that the Protestant Reformers recovered many essential truths, particularly the sovereignty of God in salvation. By nature we are dead in sins, unable to help ourselves; therefore salvation is God’s work from start to finish.
We take Baptism seriously.
We believe that all who profess Christ should follow his clear command to be baptized. New Testament baptism is of believers only, by immersion in water. This baptism does not produce salvation; rather, it serves as a public testimony of the inward, life-giving work of God.
We take Communion seriously.
The Lord’s Supper at Cornerstone is not restricted only to church members, but as it is a public fellowship in the truth, we urge that guests and visitors partake after meeting us and being introduced. We believe that Communion is a blessed memorial of the Lord’s redemptive work for sinners, and that in observing this ordinance we proclaim Christ’s saving work until he returns.
We take Membership seriously.
We believe that the local church should be a reflection of the above convictions, and therefore should include as members only those who make a public confession of faith in Christ and agree to walk in his teachings. Cornerstone Baptist Church also reluctantly practices church discipline when this public confession is brought into disrepute.
The members of Cornerstone Baptist Church confess the following teachings as a summary of what the church preaches and believes. Members are expected to be in substantial agreement with these teachings, and officers are expected to believe and uphold these teachings.
It is clear from Scripture that God intends His People to be united together into visible church fellowships. The following two points illustrate this concept.